
Meetings and disscussions are now being undertaken concerning how the sculptures will sit. The following photo shows a photograph taken by Irene of when she met with the Architects and the landscape designers to disscuss the landscaping.

The Panel

The following group of people have been brought together in order to make sure that the Chettles Yard public art will be a success.
The group is wide ranging and includes representatives from the developers, the architects, Nottingham City Council, and also students.

As the project progresses the involvement of local residence, local schools and students living in the area will become more instrumental in the progression of the project as it is considered extremely important that the local community is involved in the process.

The Project Team

Stella Couloutbanis
Project Manager for the Public Artwork

Terry Shave
Head of Visual Arts, Nottingham Trent University, Original initiator of the project

Tristram King and David Abbott
Representatives from The Opal Property Group are the developers and the managers of the Opal 1 student accommodation at the Chettles Site

Jonathan Coleflax
Project Architect & Lead Consultant for the Development

John Newling
Artist Mentor and experienced artist

Rob Percival
Representative from the City Council local planning authority

Lucy Broadhurst
Student Representative, Nottingham Trent University